
Showing posts from February, 2017

On the list...

 Well. There have been so many things going on.... not ' things' things but daily ' things' which seem like a great deal of 'things' when one isnt   completing 'those' things. Enough of 'things', I suppose. Got this idea of repeatedly using one word from F.R.I.E.N.D.S where they use the word ' know' way too much. Okay, moving on before you completely think of me as a lunatic. ( which you probably do) Anyway, what with assignments, practical work, sleep deprivation --and then early mornings, sleepy first periods, hunger pangs, and blah blah blah.    Why do i blab so much about life in general then. I promised myself that I wouldnt go on seeing the glass as half empty ( as a psychology student) and see the bright side of things but seriously who was I kidding? The sloth in me pulls me down, everyday and bas phir kya procrastination... Leaving this daily bazinga of mine-- I finally read the book-  Shopaholic to the Stars and trust me if y