
Showing posts from October, 2017

Flash. Fast forward. Stop. Replay

You must be aware of Diwali cleaning right? If you are an Indian, a Hindu especially- Diwali is the most important festival around and I love it ( mainly because of the food and gifts and of course family!) A week or rather a fortnight before it starts the cleaning. THE cleaning...well guess what-- my mid term week --except for all the assignments i had to work on - I did everything else...watching movies..wasting time and cleaning up.. re-arranging things...dusting..ahhh.. I am not 'Monica' and can stand mess alright but not everyone's like me and you can't refuse your elders, can you? its too difficult ..... So apart from this spring cleaning programme, the other highlight of the mid term was meeting an old school friend. You know that one friend you have.. whom you don't talk to major emails exchanged...but stay in touch in one way or another-- that's her. We first met back in grade two...and in class 6 and 7 we vowed to be the best writers

Oh. its October...

Hmm.. its been almost two months since i last wrote... it wasn't that I didn't want to write but the thing is ( you've read this a hundred times right?) with all the assignments, tiresome college routine and me being one of the laziest persons I ever----couldn't manage a post.. And of course the month being September. For the past 15 years I've spent as a student- the month always spells out the word - h.o.r.r.o.r. Yeah... the weather's not helped more.. So continuing my tradition of starting a post with cribbing and grumbling about my work lets get on.. Fortunately its mid semester break now... even if its only for a week... and although I've got a checklist of - to do things- I haven't started. yet. Why does this happen to me? I mean I said i won't talk about work and bla bla but here I am again..... Sorry. To be honest I've been binge watching a lot of movies... I saw 'Mubarkan' starring Arjun Kapoor and it was kinda funny... could