
Showing posts from January, 2018

Once upon a time....

Beginning with my favorite part of fairy tales ( Yes, i like them- do you have a problem? Couldn't care less sorry!) So its been quite some time since i last posted something... did write some stupid stuff about exams, exam fever  and the exam situation ( there it goes again) I even wrote about what I'd ask my seventy year old self- an idea borrowed or rather inspired by the Scribbled Stories... still working on that and maybe I'l post it someday.. when I feel the list is complete... As for now, today, I am in college.. my fourth semester... in the library blogging. It seems a bit strange though. Its 12 15 and there's no one here apart from the librarians... which reminds me is it just me or everyone has some problem or the other with them? All due respect to them, sometimes I wonder what makes most of them cranky? Goodness. lets not dwell on that.. been wondering for quite some time... with no answers. And yes.. I've been reading some new books which have been a