
Showing posts from July, 2017


You have no idea whatsoever....the number of times I've signed into blogger, stared at  the screen wanting to write loads but what with the internet connection going bonkers I just wasn't.. the weather didn't help sunny days ..light rain..humidity...moisture--- just irritates you to no end..      I am really sorry.. for this constant frustrating expression which comes to your mind when you read this junk.. I am. Ugghh.. the college timetable is so SO BAD. Early morning classes every single day  which means I've to leave my house even earlier:( And then they get over @ 5!! I know its bad to crib and complain but then where should  I exactly pour it all out... You can't say things to people- because then you come across as the RUDEST PERSON ALIVE....can't say no to things which you have zero motivation to do.. ( i mean I know its my duty to help my mom with dinner etc but I feel tired yaa...) This is the next strange thing--- I get so tired just go