You have no idea whatsoever....the number of times I've signed into blogger, stared at  the screen wanting to write loads but what with the internet connection going bonkers I just wasn't.. the weather didn't help either...hot sunny days ..light rain..humidity...moisture--- just irritates you to no end..

     I am really sorry.. for this constant frustrating expression which comes to your mind when you read this junk.. I am. Ugghh.. the college timetable is so SO BAD. Early morning classes every single day  which means I've to leave my house even earlier:( And then they get over @ 5!! I know its bad to crib and complain but then where should  I exactly pour it all out... You can't say things to people- because then you come across as the RUDEST PERSON ALIVE....can't say no to things which you have zero motivation to do.. ( i mean I know its my duty to help my mom with dinner etc but I feel tired yaa...) This is the next strange thing--- I get so tired just going to college and at the end of the day I just want to sleep.. Ugh...  Being a psychology student I should be saying that taking stress is bad... complaints gets you nothing-- you should probably just  think positively but... am tired to even complete this sentence... homeworkwhirls#

I wanted to write so much about my trip abroad ( I was excited to begin TRAVEL TALES- 2) but i guess it will take some time. Time to adjust to this new schedule.. this new timetable... this new semester and you know what I've just realized something writing  all this... that at every point in life when we meet change- when our so called routine gets twisted, we get miffed... we get frustrated..we go haywire but we are actually just getting closer to L.I.F.E. I know this sounds like old philosophical tale or something but come to think of it we are just getting more and more closer to 'us' too..knowing ourselves in the face of these new situations... I sound like a complete idiot I know, but someday if I manage to explain all this using complete terminology.. I sure will write it in here...

there wasnt anything at all in this post...but if you've managed to read it upto this point, thank you. Thanks for listening to me.. And and, if you are a bibliophile and love reading YA do read- Dash and Lily's book of dares ( suggested by one of my friends way before) its a fun book.. more on it next time... abhi ke liye itna hi...


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