Fading footprints

Wow. So much for my resolutions of writing more frequently, here am I writing just near the end. I can't blame my work schedule or other people: this one's on me. But then every time I sat down to write, I just couldn't finish it because I felt something was missing. Gestalt psychology asserts that we're so used to interpreting things as a whole, processing patterns in entirety that we fill in the seemingly missing details ourselves. Maybe, that's what I am going to do in this post: try to sketch a summary of the last few months, by remembering and writing about the details that came to define the experience. Where should I start though? Should I start with my new IKEA plates? They have been my best buy ever. The set of deep white plates makes me want to cook and then plate the dishes well. They also make me feel like I'm enjoying a rich meal. While some people enjoy cooking and are really good at it, I've come to realize that even if I'm not half as good as them, I like the preparation part of it. Makes me feel at peace and resourceful at the same time. I've begun to find homecooked meals precious; nevertheless, I still have the Swiggy fever and spend a lot of time browsing especially groceries. Since time immemorial, people close to me are super concerned that I don't eat enough and I end up with weekly food care packages every now and then. Princess treatment 101.

Whenever we start something new, every moment feels longer than usual but once we get used to it and are inching towards the end, time seems to have flown by. A very typically used phrase for sure, but one that has captured everyone's experiences every so often in their lives. When I came to a different city, it took me time to get settled in but slowly it's become a part of me and I know this little experience is going to stay with me for a long time. Although I'm not a list person nor am I big on organizing, I made a small checklist of things I want to do for the next few days. I know it may sound childish but hey I've grown up reading Mia's diaries, so thought I should take a shot at this too. I know maybe you can't do everything on a list, but there is an underlying satisfaction when you write down stuff to do. When I tell people I usually stay in at weekends, I get a lot of whys, ughs, and pity and if there's one thing I genuinely hate and get annoyed by the most, it's the latter. But over the last few months, I think ( or at least I'd like to think) that I have been feeling a little indifferent to this, I mean I don't get charged up instantaneously because I feel like I don't need to overexplain what I do and don't all the time. If I enjoy spending time on my own, I shouldn't allow anyone to make me feel otherwise. That being said, I'm also grateful to people who give me a push at times, to explore things out of my usual routine be it a random solo lunch date, salon spree, or mustering up the courage to attend an event. I went to a Harry Potter event after much deliberation (and threats) and apart from the first few minutes which were awkward, I kind of enjoyed it. Had a sorting ceremony (honestly didn't need it given the bazillion times I've done the quiz over the years) and participated in a trivia quiz. I never knew I could get competitive but ughh recalling my screechy overexcited voice shouting answers, makes me want to crawl into a hole and lie low. I got validated in the form of merch and being classified as a nerd (why aren't people more subtle?) But all in all, it was fun. Maybe it's not too bad to go out on some days? 

My monthly movie tradition, impromptu coffee dates, random snaps of food and places, ugly selfies, listening to age-old Bollywood tracks during chores and otherwise have helped me feel better and more me, so to say. To someone, these might account for nearly nothing, but to me, these little things have made me feel peaceful and make a home, away from home. As I continue walking, feeling a little nostalgic about the first footprints, but even as they fade, I know I'm going to hold on to their impression. It's been a long prose but then I have been called the doyenne of monologues ( Doyenne is self-proclaimed so no judgment please). I've been going on and on for a while now so abhi ke liye itna hi....


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