New Found Love

   With more than a gazillion emotions tied in one, the word love is something that can be used across so many contexts, and yet what remains common is that feeling of attachment, be it an object, a hobby, or a person. Before you start thinking that this post is dedicated to February's feel of love in the air, let me tell you that it's so not the case. Not a chance. It's about my new love in the form of content. I've always loved content especially in the form of books, movies, and tv shows - basically, everything which is responsible for my vivid imagination and my head still stuck in the era of Austen. A few years back I was reading Me Before You and there's a scene in which an individual who hates watching films with subtitles falls in love with it. And I remember thinking to myself that I could never imagine something like that - how could you possibly watch a film in a foreign language with the subtitles being your driving force? Fast-forwarding it to the present where I'm hooked on K dramas ( and some of their background scores like Bruce Willis's song!) and enjoying them. I know I sound like a teenage fangirl, even more than usual but I just can't help it. My friends are probably sick of me ranting about it ( I'm sorry guys) but I can't help it. I also watched a great regional film and ugh I feel like I've been living under a rock. I've never been one of those people who tries 'new stuff' - but only recently am I realizing that intentionally or unintentionally, sometimes when you step out of your comfort zone, you might find something you come to love. Or maybe I'm just trying to intellectualize my new hobby. Maybe that's it. Or the new coffee flavor I tried ( thanks to a rec expert!) and came to love. Or maybe I'm trying to pump myself up for the coming months which are all going to be full of days where I have to step not just out of my zone but planet altogether. Sorry for the exaggerations but it's one of the ways I'm unloading my fear, excitement, apprehension, all of it. 


    Some things have changed since I last wrote such as entering into my last semester, colder nights, friends going back to their colleges, and being a year older. That reminds me, I am officially the girl in the green scarf now! Yes. And it is courtesy to my best friends who helped me inch closer to this crazy fangirl fantasy of mine. I'm always going to hold on to it and what makes it even more special is that every time I wear it, not only do I remember my friends' eee smiles but also get reminded that love is love. We all imagine it to be THE construct, THE feeling but little do we realize that it comes in different forms and if we're all in some way or the other wrapped in that love. I know I'm probably not making sense, but cut me a little slack, will you? It's February for God's sake! I'm allowed to go a little overboard, right? The book I'm currently reading, suggested by one of my bibliophilic friends, is also making me write in this dramatic fashion. Love Your Life, is a breezy but dramatic read! I wanted to write more, but the other tabs are beckoning me to finish my proposal report so here it is, Abhi ke liye itna hi... 


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