
 After watching the show 'Misaeng' (roughly translated into 'incomplete life'), it led me to think how ridiculous the phrase 'complete life' would sound.  Isn't it supposed to be a work in completion? Yes, I'm uselessly mincing words trying to sound more optimistic on paper than I do in real. But to be honest, the word was etched in my mind ever since I finished the series and it was only after reading more of it's reviews (because that's a usual fangirling process) that I discovered it to be a misnomer. The term actually means 'not yet' which does make sense. I doubt my high school English professor would be amused at me writing a paragraph to explain the title but then I don't have to turn this in, it's my post so be it. But but coming back to the show: it's a story of an underdog, a regular Joe working hard to make his place in the office where no one ( and no situation) leaves any stone unturned to make him realize how inexperienced and inadequate he seems to be. His struggles and his insistent and unrelenting hard work couple with the sweet taste of the small victories he comes to accomplish, bolsters your sense of hope. It's nothing extraordinary but a subtle, understated reminder to parts of ourselves who feel like an imposter. I watched the show a couple of months back but every now and then I get reminded of it. I try to convince myself that maybe today it doesn't look great but someday they will. My friends and I often discuss how the core aspect of our everyday misses something we imagined to be present be it professional stability or ability, clarity, motivation, person or a more independent and responsible version of ourselves. Maybe it's not missing, maybe it's just not that apparent, not yet. 

Excuse my vague abstractions and random musings. Sometimes, I genuinely have no idea of what to say which then becomes an excuse for procrastination and bingo I end up saying and writing nothing. Truth be told, I started this post the day I finished the show so now you know why the post starts the way it does. Since the time I last wrote, not much has changed except that my hunt for a new show has slackened it's pace. I find myself returning to old comfort series and movies, laugh at the same jokes. There's something about these old sitcoms which charms you and hugs you like a blanket every time you rewatch it. Or maybe it's just the weather that nudges you towards warmth that's most easily achieved through rewatching or re reading classics. One of my plans to accomplish this year to take myself out on a dreamy breakfast date. Recently, I have become obsessed with making and eating pancakes. For the longest of times, I was intimidated by the thought of making pancakes but in the past week, I've made on a pretty regular basis, changing the toppings from fresh fruits to honey, maple and butter. *Sighs dreamily* Well pancakes accompanied by small, day to day successes for instance - changing water cans (maybe I'm boasting now but it's a big deal! Ask Lorelai Gilmore) gives me hope that rather than having it all at once, we inch closer to it slowly. And for those of us who believe in slow burn, let's try to believe that it's going to be worth it. All of it. Our lives. Ourselves. We can't see it but only because it's still in process so, not yet. I feel like I have preached a lot, so abhi ke liye itna hi...


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