The Ordinary

What comes to your mind when you read this word, ordinary? Do you feel it’s something synonymous to say ‘usual’? Or ‘matter of fact’? Routine? Mundane? I don’t know and honestly I don’t intend to sound like a philosopher or philanthropist. A little secret- I can’t explain the difference. Is it just me or are there times when words don’t naturally come together to help you explain or describe a thing or person. Nope, not in a romantic sort of a way but in general.  Ordinary. Some might call it being average or well basic. Heads up- I’m in one of those moods wherein I pen down random thoughts that keep popping in my head and writing them feels cathartic to me.  It gives me a free space, a place where I can steer some of those fomo driven thoughts in a direction, I want. Look at them from a different perspective or accept these as a part of my own psyche.  I feel this is my own happy place that I’m building. Yesterday, in a lecture, one of my professors was talking about how in order to live, one needs to have a balance of a grasp of reality as well as dreams. While reality is important when it comes to our functionality in this social world, dreams are those buffers which become our venting grounds or an unconscious form of expression. I’m not sprouting gyaan- it’s just that this seems to have etched in my mind. Let me put this another way—Can you imagine yourself going through everyday shit without any conjuring any hypothetical situations in the head? I know I can’t.  Even if I know in my head its ‘not real’, it makes the ‘real moment’ a little better or worse- depends on situation to situation. Thought to thought. Dream to dream. Nope, I am not endorsing the idea of dreams because extreme of any kind can lead to pathological circumstances. But I guess it’s okay to dance on those Scottish tunes if you’re feeling blue even if you don’t have a jack Dawson to partner with. Come on please tell me – you got it or have I framed it too pathetically? I’m referring to the music in Titanic- the peppy and feet tapping notes.

That was so not what I had planned to write. Seriously. I didn’t.  I saw a movie today called Carrie Pilsby and though it might not be the best movie or something, there were certain dialougues and scenes which made mw wonder what ordinary really stands for. When I say that I lead an ordinary life – does it mean that my trajectory of life is much like others? When I say I’m an ordinary girl, does it mean I’m calling myself eh much like everyone else? Wordplay. All of us know that our individuality makes our ‘ordinary being’ and our ‘ordinary everydays’ a little extra- ordinary. “I have one life and I am allowed to be happy”.  This was it. When the guy says this line, his good looks not withstanding, I froze. Because of the simplicity of expression and the thought it tried to capture. And even though I’m a grumbler ( see I try to be truthful) I’m going to try and keep this thought in my head ( till it does). Been a huge rant write up, so abhi ke liye itna hii…


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