It's been a long time and to be honest, I don't know why. There was a time when I used to write twice a month or at least every couple of months but for some time, I've hit a rut I believe. Is it because of age? Lack of motivation? Plain laziness or procrastination or just the feeling of not having enough to say. I don't mean to sound dramatic, or melancholic but well, it is what it is. I'm not a writer much to the chagrin of my 16 year old naïve self but yes, I enjoy writing and for my present self, that's enough. I wish people talked about it more. Growing up isn't just about adding new things, places and people but also about them getting away. They're always a part of you, but in a quieter way. Like echoes in a room you no longer visit as often. Now, you hesitate more. You second-guess. You wonder if saying nothing is better than saying something that doesn’t feel enough. But maybe that’s the point. Maybe it’s just about showing up and making peace...