Old and New...

    Opposite in nature, the words -old and new... but in my world they exist, not just exist but overlap each other and that's because each old memory, each old thing and each old friend brings along with them a new feeling.. a new memory... a new something.

     Philosophical enough. Well we had our prize day in school and more than the prize it was seeing our friends, our classmates together for one last time ( I hope its not the LAST, but still!). It seemed so different and yet so familiar. It was just so.. so nice. Asking one another about college and course, taking selfies or pics - so that we could look at them, even years later and remember that time. Sounds pretty dumb and obvious, but for me its worth mentioning. And not to forget the time we had after the school, I mean when the whole thing was over. Two of my best friends took me to CP and we had loads of fun. One of them, now, an outstation student- so she had a lot to share about her college and people and the places there- and let me tell you this- hearing it all was really interesting especially with a cappuccino in hand. And yes, not to forget the yummy cheese garlic bread and pizza that we shared ( I am sorry, but I HAD to mention this... hee).. When it comes to fast food and coffee- I seem to have no control as to writing about how tasty they were ( indeed!) And wait, how could I ever forget Dunkin Donuts wali treat! If you haven't, then you must try the death by chocolate and alive by chocolate donuts- they are SOMETHING..( and only people who are crazy dislike them-- one of them being my friend..ahhh) and the hot chocolate which was hot ( really hot) and delicious ( as always). Am sorry I am rambling on like a 9 year old kid who just loves chocolatey things but....do I have an option? -- apparently not.

    I just want to add that it was a PERFECT day and I hope more of them happen... ( big question mark here, though) Thanks to my best friends who made the day wonderful. And hey..wait forgot to write this- I finally saw " ME BEFORE YOU" and the movie's really nice and sweet.. And makes u want to live life in a much bigger and better way that you ever imagined before... worth a watch.
Its been long, so abhi ke liye itna hi..


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