On the list...

 Well. There have been so many things going on.... not ' things' things but daily ' things' which seem like a great deal of 'things' when one isnt   completing 'those' things. Enough of 'things', I suppose. Got this idea of repeatedly using one word from F.R.I.E.N.D.S where they use the word ' know' way too much. Okay, moving on before you completely think of me as a lunatic. ( which you probably do) Anyway, what with assignments, practical work, sleep deprivation --and then early mornings, sleepy first periods, hunger pangs, and blah blah blah.

   Why do i blab so much about life in general then. I promised myself that I wouldnt go on seeing the glass as half empty ( as a psychology student) and see the bright side of things but seriously who was I kidding? The sloth in me pulls me down, everyday and bas phir kya procrastination... Leaving this daily bazinga of mine-- I finally read the book-  Shopaholic to the Stars and trust me if you loved the previous books- dont  buy this one. please dont. Its just not that good- seems to lack the humor and its far too long and draggy and far stretched. So I wasn't very happy after reading it-- and given the fact that I read these kind of chic-lits ( as they are called) to cheer me up- I wasn't. Its February time and who can forget to mention the day of the month ( duh) - the day when suddenly your eyes get all squinty seeing these ridiculous frivolous red and white balloons and decorations down the street. Well dont judge me -  I find it very amusing, really. ( and funny and laugh-a-ble) But it was a good day, for I had grand frappe coffee at CCD with my parents who insisted on me going along ( I wouldnt have, trust me but who can say no to coffee yaar, who?)
         Also, had our college fest yesterday- Montage-2k17 and it was fun roaming around, meeting old friends from school, college buddies and waffles and what not. But because I had to reach home in ttime- how could the singer come on time? How could she? Well I couldn't stay and watch the whole thing ( alas) with beautiful songs and perfect atmosphere but then... what can i do except moan? and thats what am doing.. and before you people virtually throw tomatoes on me I am gonna leave coz am feeling too lazy and far too crappy to write on so abhi ke liye itna hi.....


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