Marching on...

    Well I am not even kidding... I know its the month of March but what really brings forth the title is our sports day ( I am not joking)- march past- our department squad- marching practices- early morning- free food ( felt like a picnic on the last day)- free drinks ( or should I simply say- juice!!) and let me tell you one secret- although I loathed the practices and the cramps afterword, on the final day there was this moment when I was happy with my choice- or decision to join our squad. And it wasn't the photographs ( some of which turned out to be decent) but the very feeling of ' us'; our department... it may sound really dumb and stupid but I kinda enjoyed being part of it...although I don't deny my 'grumbling sessions.'

  Apart from that, its been a crazy month.. and the week before our mid sem break was just awful.. straight 'horrible'. What with tests ( some of which we got cancelled- don't ask how..), practicals, reports, approval of them ( seriously. duh), overdue assignments ( here's one last thank you -- for helping me Mits) and what not. And the break... well it started off beautifully - I met my best friends and had a wonderful time ( cant say the same from their side coz u know nah-- okay who am I kidding- we all did, right??) watched the latest movie - Badrinath Ki Dulhaniya ( don't judge me please) which turned out to be funny and kinda nice. So here's another thanks to u both for just being the people u are !!!

 And now - college is going to start yet again... this mystery is one which cannot be solved. I mean I wonder if Sheldon Cooper has the answer to this question- why do holidays come to an end in like a second while working days seem to just drag on and on and on.... well. okay. I am grumbling like a  working mom.. excuse me please... am sorry.. my apologies.. There;s another thing which I have to write about... fangirling... I mean its just amazing... be it any book, movie or a tv programme - its just a combination of madness and happiness...
Before you think I am all bonkers I'd better sign off... I just felt that I wanted to write all this here you go... not exactly 'confessions' but ramblings of a coffeeholic#bookaholic... abhi ke liye itna hi..


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