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You must be aware of Diwali cleaning right? If you are an Indian, a Hindu especially- Diwali is the most important festival around and I love it ( mainly because of the food and gifts and of course family!) A week or rather a fortnight before it starts the cleaning. THE cleaning...well guess what-- my mid term week --except for all the assignments i had to work on - I did everything else...watching movies..wasting time and cleaning up.. re-arranging things...dusting..ahhh.. I am not 'Monica' and can stand mess alright but not everyone's like me and you can't refuse your elders, can you? its too difficult .....

So apart from this spring cleaning programme, the other highlight of the mid term was meeting an old school friend. You know that one friend you have.. whom you don't talk to regularly...no major emails exchanged...but stay in touch in one way or another-- that's her. We first met back in grade two...and in class 6 and 7 we vowed to be the best writers in the world...although looking at my poor grammar and writing skills you'll be like---whaattt.. you can't be a writer!!. Well maybe not. But that time and even sometimes in the present I do wish to write something...not the next big bestseller but something interesting..something which would make me feel happy and the others... all those things which I couldn't say..all those experiences which were a mirage... that would be beautiful but of course not all dreams come true right? But i havent left hope..after all even Peeta says -hope is stronger than fear and everything else...and to those who don't really like Peeta pfftt... you guys need to read the books again---get to know Peeta more--- So I was talking about this friend... she studies in Kolkata and is back home for holidays.. She is one of those people with whom you can have honest conversations... and mind you basically all our chats are ' mean' and ' saracstic' but 'endearing' at the same time... we may not talk for months but we know where to start from.. God.. I love this line..makes you feel...ah..never mind. So here's to a wonderful afternoon and amazing ice cream party...So, Ms Soon to be 20 if you are reading this promise me a birthday treat ok? Love you...

Isnt this what life is about? I mean growing up..learning new things but still having these chotu moments where you can behave like a 12 year old again? I am not a 'journal' person but yeah, someday when I am 60 ( if i reach there!) I am going to read all my stupid posts once again... read all the 'slam books'.. ' the farewell sheets'...some beautiful letters and cards by my friends...watch a slideshow of all my old pictures especially of school... call or rather disturb all my buds and tell their children some amazing stories about them...about us... gosh zyada senti ho gaya kya? I guess its a reaction of watching those 'high school' movies again.... before you vow to stop reading my posts. I'll leave toh abhi ke liye itna hiii...


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