5 Decades to go///

  Freud said that during the Neonate stage of development, the infant is bound to have an ' oceanic feeling' which is foggy and seems like the infant wants some unification with the outer world that seems distant. Just having written this as a part of my first answer in Dopt exam ( development of psychological thought )  I am getting similar feelings - just to the extent of it being unclear. And having read a beautiful post by the Scribbled Stories made me forge a similar one below. Given that I live lets say for 50 more years, this will be one of the posts I'll re-read it before my 70th birthday. If you hate cheese ( or mayo!) and cliche things and childlike grammar do NOT proceed. Just close this window and stop judging me now...

Dear my 70 year old crazy ( Am I brazen still?)

I've got so many questions for you. or me rather. Am I doing something worthwhile in life? Like a real job with money?? Did I manage to have that wall which I'd imagined in my room on which I'd splash colors? Do I still laugh at the same jokes made by Chandler and Joey? Do I still have those t-shirts from the Souled Store which I bought somewhat secretly? ( Did my sister steal the Harry Potter ones' or I managed to save them?) Do I still dance like a douche bag or I managed to learn some good dance moves? Do I still call my friends and talk for ages actually I already know the answer to this. Why would I stop? I love irritating them (😏) Am I still the nerdy fan girl or  am defined by some other tag now? How's my lobster? ( I found someone right?) Do I get good coffee and amazing waffles as a treat then occasionally? Am I watching those old serials which I'd swore I would? Still can't forget the charm of Obodro right#Do I have someone to talk to without hesitation when I am low? Did I visit London again? Was there a beautiful day with just a book and cappuccino? Mum and dad, they're pleased with me right? I don't know what I've become but is it a better version of my self right now? I hope it is. And Peeta's alive in my hopes right?

Lots of questions not yet answered,
20 Year old me.

Was kind of cheesy right? I needed to feel happy and this is the best I could come up with. Thanks for lending me your eyes and hearing me. Abhi ke liye itna hii...


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