Baffling with words

   So I've got two submission reports, one book on which my internal assessment will be done, two tests next week and here I am blogging and simultaneously trying to read this book by Sandhya Menon which is super cute and at times makes me want to jump for joy. Seriously. Have you ever experienced those moments when you are reading and something happens and if you've got to shut the book for a moment and try to .. be stable and wipe that idiotic grin or the peak emotion off.. I've felt that on countless occasions and that's got me thinking what if somebody were to see my like this - no questions asked they would seriously peg me down as a lunatic or a crazzzyy kind of nerd!!

So this book, I've not finished it yet so can't write my final 'verdict' but as far as I've read- its something which I am sure will bring a smile ( an idiotic smile mind you) on your face. Will write more about it in the next post. Not much going about except the usual monotonous college routine and of course, May being near the whole exam terror/ fear thing. Well more on that later. There was this line which kind of got stuck in my head after watching some web series - ' Living with insecurities is the only security we've got' . Its not something great but it made me accept this hidden feeling aka thought which I guess all of us have, will it, can it, what if? The latter what if reminds me of another dialogue from a movie - ' what and if are two of the simplest and harmless words we learn in childhood but when they are put together side by side they can cause you hurt every day of your life'. I don't know why am I writing this lines or even remembering them- maybe just to feel better, maybe to help myself to accept that life is complex. Its complicated. But it goes on its own way and for that path to be carved out, we should make the present count. Making any sense? Ah ... who am I kidding? Abhi ke liye itna hi kyunki zindagi bohot lambi hai aur waqt bohot kam ( another dialogue from you may have guessed - a bollywood film!!) sorry for the cliche post but heyyy its april!


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