Random Musings

There are some mornings where you think that if this day passes, if all the events and things go as per the plan ( or even not), if these get done you'll raise your hands to heaven... well... this was my today. With today being the last day of the semester, with the practicals getting checked - the final signatures... photocopies...printouts...readings.. here I am gobbling chocolates as per my routine. Can't get rid of that ahhh feeling although the terror of the viva next week and not so far exams is kinda gnawing on me.

I wonder why people speak so nonchalantly about college? There's more chaos, more work, more expenses, more sweat and more everything. Honestly, people shouldn't encourage this.. this fact or rather a hypothesis of college being work-free. I am just 20, so give me credit and ignore my cribbing. As part of my emotional intelligence paper, I've been learning how catharsis ( letting things out) is essential ( in the appropriate context of course!) and thus, cribbing in my blog is like a natural medication. Sounds kinda cliche doesn't it? But don't all my posts sound the same? But then are all cliche's bad? Not necessarily. Yesterday I was talking to my sister about something and we were discussing books and characters and while the conversation I realized that most of the time even if the story is say unique, there are some cliche things you expect and if they don't happen - you are like Yayy.. this is good because no such things exist in real ( at least in mine and Real or Not is another fun game I like courtesy Peeta!) and even if they do, they make you happy because deep down we all are looking for that something... not necessarily of one kind. For example, I've always loved the 'love library' - a super cool library with good books, good and helpful librarians ( trust me they are the rarest of species except maybe fanboys-- sorry kinda sexist right? sorry!) and food ( with awesome coffee machines). This dream continues to remain one. Forgive me for writing crap, but come on after making one change and the other in your reports, you need free space to scribble any words that come to your mind. So, abhi ke liye itna hi...


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