Off The Track..

Have you ever started humming or shouting or half dancing on the song which you probably hadn't heard for years but all of a sudden when you hear it, the lyrics and the music gets to your head and before you realise there's a sudden bout of happiness that you experience. We need to thank our hippocampus for the same as its responsible for recall of old memories and blending it in our present experience. Yesterday I saw an episode of this teen show that I watched some 8 or 9 years ago and I don't know suddenly after enjoying the title song I was reminded of the time when watching the show was such a big deal. The characters, the story line, the actors ( especially that one character which stays in your list forever!) seem like old friends reminding you of the past, reminding you of your own self, all those years ago. And this fascinates me. Of how even the most trivial of things add to your experiences, your being in general and evokes something in you. 

Now I don't mean to sound all philosophical, because I am not a philosophy kind of person. Blend it with psychology and literature and that's my empirical grounding. But seriously come to think of it, we as humans are so ... no I am not going to make attributions or generalizations but let's just say we have the tendency to forget the things that meant so much to us at one point of time. And yes, that is maybe growing up but its just...that its fluid isn't it? I am probably not even making sense but just pause for a second. Can you think of five things which meant a lot to you some 5 years ago? Some movie, some song, some friend, some outing or something else which made you feel euphoric? Something that you thought was perfect? ( or relatively perfect, for all those perfectionists out there?) Just try and recall your feelings, your emotion at that time. What was so special which made you feel like the happiest person in the world? Its not that easy because days, months and years of daily musings, deadlines and bad days sort of cover it and you fail to retrieve that moment of you feeling exultant. Because we're so busy looking at how things ought to be, how things could be a dozen times better and how what you're going through is possibly the most challenging phase in your life, its difficult to go back and see that even at that point there were things which may have seemed like the end of the world but we crossed it. I am not preaching here. Believe me I am not because I hate nothing more than long and pretentious and too motivating for reality wale articles. This is something I want my insecure, fearsome and loaded with work self to read. That yes its hard, its shitty plus crappy and its intensity or frequency may go higher in the coming days and years but I can't just dwell into these statistics ( ugh reminds me of regression analysis for my project but that's a story for the next post!) Basically, chill out, take a little time off and even if it seems that you're in hell, remember that even though its difficult you can make it out of Tarturus and exit the Doors of Death. Its theoretically possible. I know overdose of this supposed to be motivating thoughts toh abhi ke liye itna hi...


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