Mumble Jumble...

     10 drafts, seriously 10 of them. Every time I started writing, somewhere in between words fizzled out. I couldn't stick to a particular topic, to a specific situation or to my opinions. It felt strange because the harder I tried to write a post, the more lost I felt. It seemed as if there was nothing new or exciting enough about which I could write a whole post about. Nothing. Normally, I crib about my assignments, projects, exams, life in general and of course the list goes on and on. I can still crib mind you, I can, but currently I am indulged in my binge watching spree of Gilmore Girls. I fail to believe that the show aired in the year 2000, because the content is so fresh. It's true I don't understand quite a many old film references or actors, but I am perfectly content with the characters of the show. Seriously, if want to watch something light and funny, give it a try! I also finished watching the last season of Big Bang Theory yesterday and believe me- if you've watched the previous seasons, this one will be special to you. Not only will you feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for Shamy, get aww feels watching Michael and Haley BUT when you hear Sheldon give his speech and say " I've loved you all in my own way" you'll be moved. Really.

  I know I probably sound like a TV show guide or something but then when you've just finished the first phase of the college experience, you're bound to indulge in things and shows and books that try to balance out your insecurities a little. Come to think of it, it's true isn't it? All of us have our own set of little worries, problems, situations but everybody wants something or someone by their side to feel hopeful again. To feel happy again. To believe that even if it seems all bad, my morning of sunshine is bound to come soon. Honestly, it's hard. I mean my emotions range from happiness to jealousy to self loathing to being hopeful and on and on... I mean don't we all experience a pang of that feeling where we feel amiss, like we are meeting a dead end or something? But if you have a good conversation with a friend, a sweet family moment, a fun day with your beloved, a thoroughly enjoyable book or well a damn nice episode - you feel lighter, better, stronger in some sense of the word and that's what keeps us moving - which basically means that if we want to, even in the most desolate of times, we may be able to carry on even if we do have baggage with us and that is important. So at the verge of sounding fake I am going to write it down - even if its hard, painful, feels like the worst possible situation you may be in, feel let down, incomplete, less, inadequate - you will be there for yourself and steer yourself forward. Ugg.. I know its sounds like I am preaching but trust me I am not. It's a kind of therapeutic technique I've designed in my head for myself--- write it, so that it sticks somewhere in your tiny head . Inspired by many a stories and post on Instagram and ofcourse my 'intellectual' conversation and 'midnight banter' with my friends, I've drawn a hypothesis - that rather than waiting for a Peeta to hand us hope, we can actually just go in the field and try and pick a dandelion for ourselves ( an analogy well understood by Hunger games fans!) Also, I'd like to congratulate on of my best friends who is currently in a foreign land ( wow, love this phrase- reminds you of the themes of several poems by the Romantics right?) and being a total star - I am proud of you, just stick it out there for a few days and I know you'll ace it there! As for my other friends ( you know it's you!), I know you're busy with parties, comfortable journeys, good food and tests- but thats not an excuse- come visit me soon. I've blabbed crab enough so abhi ke liye itna hii..


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