Driven by fortuitous turn of events..

    "Woh din bhi kya din the". I've been listening to this song on a loop for days and have even heard this phrase creep in conversations quite a bit lately.  It's not just a song, but a feeling which the song beautifully captures and something which I'm sure resonates with most people. In case you haven't heard the song, please do give it a listen- old memories are sure to flash by you and you'll get this sudden images of your younger self in a memory which you didn't intentionally make to stand out but are those moments which make you fondly remember those old days, the old you and the old life you had. Just the other day, I was having a conversation about the same thing with my friends and we were just remembering those tiny and inconsequential details which made school more fun. Be it teasing your friend about that one classmate she loathed, the teacher whose class we wanted to run away from, those unit tests which made us cry a river or made us feel like we couldn't sink lower or remembering the walks in the park, scribbles on the margin of textbooks, passing food under the table or simply the smiles on each others face.. Yeah, I know getting a little sentimental but I guess it's always like that. Goodbyes are hard but it's even harder to let go of things and people which make it so. And so my two people ( yeah Christina Yang, I'm stealing your phrase!) who might be reading this, just be prepared I'm not going to let you off the hook. We're in for the long haul and don't worry I'm not going to let you forget us. I realise I sound like an irritating friend but it's not something you already don't know. The pandemic has been a tough time for everyone and the situation is still pretty scary and chaotic but like every cloud has a silver lining, I think this has also been the time where I've been able to relive some of those school days routine wherein almost each day, I used the landline to tell my friends about my amazingly boring routine and of course discussing the show I was hooked on. It's almost the same now, where most of our conversations are a) start with how nothing's really changed except that more assignments got added on the to - do list; b) if the time is good to talk since the universe has a strange way of calling us when we talk or c) full fledged discussion on the latest movie or web series watched or a book read. Some things never change but somehow get lost in the conundrum of everyday business and all you need is a timeout to relive it right? Have lots of write about the well a lot, but saving it for the next post so abhi ke liye itna hi.. 


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